
Is It Worth Getting a Tankless Water Heater?

Tankless Water Heater With a Blue Background

Hunting for Savings

Homeowners spend quite a lot of time considering their energy efficiency these days. While some focus on conservative habits to save money, others look to appliance upgrades as their primary means of cutting utility costs. One common question that keeps coming up in our conversations is “Which is better: a hot water heater or tankless?”

Today, we’re going to delve into the pros and cons of tankless water heater appliances, how they work, and which models rank best among homeowners. By the end, you should have a clear picture of their capabilities, and know if they could be right for you. Let’s get started!

How a Tankless Water Heater Works

Rather than drawing from a storage unit, tankless water heaters operate by passing water from the cold line into a gas burner or electric heating element. The hot water then passes to your chosen appliance. The process works instantaneously, which is why these devices are often referred to as on-demand water heaters.

Because of their smaller size, these tankless heaters can be used for outside hot water appliances, such as a hot tub. You may also use them to supplement appliances inside the house that require higher volumes of hot water. Homeowners love the smaller size, because they’re so much easier to store.

Key Benefits

Tankless Water Heater Benefits

Traditional tank models offer a high volume of water, but it also consumes energy constantly to keep that stored water hot. Even if you only use hot water three times a day, your gas burner or electric heating element is active 24/7 to maintain the ideal temperature. Tankless models only heat water as you need it, so it conserves a great deal of energy every day.

As you’ve likely been told by appliance manufacturers and your air conditioning service, savings for high efficiency devices play out over time. You’ll definitely pay higher upfront costs, but you’ll realize savings every year. Those benefits will also last longer, given the average tankless water heaters extended lifetime.

Last but not least, there’s no tank (hence the “tankless”). No tank means significantly smaller storage space requirements for the water heater. In fact, it can be mounted on a wall, inside or outside your home. It does need to be installed within a certain distance of your appliances, which a professional plumber can determine for you.


How Long Should a Tankless Water Heater Last?

According to the US Department of Energy, “Most tankless water heaters have a life expectancy of more than 20 years.” That lifespan can be further extended with timely part replacement, which can be completed easily with the help of your local plumber. Considering the average tank model only lasts 15 years (sometimes less), that’s quite an advantage for your investment.

Home Value

Does a Tankless Water Heater Increase Home Value

According to research conducted by Zillow across millions of home listings, homes with tankless water heaters sold better than their counterparts with regular tank storage. On average, homes equipped with on demand models sold an average of 43 days sooner than originally predicted. They also sold for 4% more. Be sure to check out their research for a deeper understanding of their findings.


What is the Downside of a Tankless Water Heater?

Of course, there are downsides to every product. When it comes to tankless water heater appliances, people generally point to upfront cost and capacity as the major drawbacks. Because of their longer lifespan and energy efficiency, on-demand models may cost thousands more than their tank storage counterparts.

Since they have no tank to draw from, tankless models provide a lower production rate (two to five gallons per minute). This makes it difficult to support multiple high-demand hot water activities at once without purchasing a second unit.

Finally, electric models of tankless experience smaller efficiency advantages than their natural gas counterparts. You can expect a minimum of 93 percent efficiency regardless of whether you choose an electric tankless water heater or water heater with storage. You’ll still earn savings with the switch, just not as much.

Finding the Ideal Model

Let’s briefly review the benefits of a tankless water heater.

  • Lower storage requirements
  • Significant energy savings
  • Longer average lifespan
  • Simplified maintenance and part replacement
  • Potential government rebates

These benefits are great, but we’re still left with a couple key questions. Which tankless water heater is best? Is a gas or electric tankless water heater more efficient?

If you’re searching for highly rated brands, some of the most notable include Rheem, Eco Smart, and Atmor. Talk with your plumber about finding a brand that fits your specific requirements. As far as the gas vs electric debate, electric models are almost always the most efficient.

However, homeowners switching from a tank gas water heater to a tankless experience a much larger improvement in energy costs. They have a much higher flow rate.

A Tankless Water Heater on a Blue Wall

Learn More About Tankless Heaters!

Want more details about Santa Clarita, CA tankless water heater appliances? Our team at On Call Plumbing would love to answer all your questions and help you find your ideal heater type and model. We also provide professional water heater repair for whatever model your home relies on. Call us today at 661-201-6016!

How Do I Know If My Sewer Line is Broken?

Sewer Line Repair, Broken Sewer Line, On Call Plumbing

Nightmare of a Broken Sewer Line

A broken sewer line can be a nightmare for any homeowner. Experiencing back flow can lead to serious property damage and even brings about some major health concerns. The first step you should ever take when you notice a problem with your sewer line is getting in contact with an expert plumbing service, such as On Call Plumbing. Repairing or replacing the broken sewer line is essential in stopping further damages and preventing future problems.

If you are struggling with a broken sewer line in Santa Clarita, CA, then call the team of professional plumbers at On Call Plumbing. With our quick response time and high-quality work, we can ensure that your sewer line isn’t just repaired, but fortified to help protect you from future damages. You can contact us by contacting 661-201-6016.

How Does a Sewer Pipe Break?

Sewer lines were built to be tough, but as with everything in life, they do have a life-expectancy. Wear over time can weaken your sewer line and make it susceptible to damages which can cause it to crack or break. In order to prevent disaster from happening, it is important to know the common causes of a sewer pipe break.

Poor Maintenance

Hair, debris, sludge, and toilet paper pass through your drains on a daily basis. These things can often stick to the walls of your pipes, creating a blockage that will lead to a back-up and an increase the interior pressure. This increase of pressure will eventually lead to a backup or, in worst cases, a complete break of your sewer pipe.

In order to prevent this, it is important to remember to clean your drains periodically throughout the year. It is recommended that you get your pipes cleaned at least once to twice a year, to ensure that everything is moving along smoothly. Not only will this save you from a blockage but it will help maintain the health and life of your pipes.

Tree Roots

Whenever you are planning on adding a new plant, such as a tree into your yard, it is important to get a configuration of where your pipes are laying underneath the ground. Planting a tree to close to your pipes can eventually result in the roots breaking into the pipe. This is can cause some major damage, not only for your home but for your yard as well.

Natural Aging

As mentioned earlier, things naturally wear down overtime, so it is important to get your pipes cleaned and inspected at least once a year to ensure that your pipes are in good shape. If it has reached the end of its life-span, then getting a replacement is your best bet in stopping a disaster.

Poor Installation

Poor installation of your pipes can result in a serious malfunction with your pipes, which will end up in either a back flow or a break. It is always highly recommended that you get a reputable plumber, such as On Call Plumbing, to help you install new pipes.

What Are the Signs of a Broken Sewer Pipe?

In order to better help protect your home from damage caused by a faulty sewer pipe, you need to know the signs of a potential problem. These are the most common signs for a sewer problem.

  • Gurgling Noises Coming From Your Toilet
  • Low Water Level in Your Toilets
  • Slow Draining/Failure to Drain of Your Shower or Bathtub
  • Sewage Backup in Your Toilet or Shower.
  • A Foul Odor in Your Basement or Yard
  • Greener Grass Near Sewer Lines
  • Flooding of Your Yard

Response to a Broken Sewer Line

Whenever you are faced with a problem, such as a sewer line break, the worst thing you could ever do is panic. Panicking leads to lack of action and clouded judgement. The best thing you could ever do when you notice that there is something wrong with your sewer line is contact your local plumber, such as On Call Plumbing.

A professional plumber will be able to come in and locate the source of the break, and help you determine if the line can simply be repaired or it needs to be replaced. Once they get your approval, they can move forward to repairing the line and ensuring that your home is protected.

After that, the next step is clean-up of any damages, to ensure that your home is clean to avoid illness that can come as a result.

What Part of the Sewer Line is the City Responsible For?

Your city is responsible for the sewer lines that start from the main underground sewer pipe. This pipe carries waste from your area to the municipality water treatment plant. If this pipe were to become broken or clogged, it could back up to your home, and cause some frustrating damages.

Calling on the aid of a plumber, as you usually would, can help you figure out the source of the problem. Once you rule out your own house and lines as the source, you can contact your city to alert them of the damages. It is also highly possible that your neighbors will be experiencing similar problems if it is a problem on the cities end of the line, so it is never a bad idea to ask around.

Are Broken Sewer Pipes Covered by Homeowner’s Insurance?

Typically yes,as it is considered damage by natural disaster. Though, it is important to go through your insurance policy and have a full-understanding of the fine print, since each service provider and policy is different.

Broken Sewer Pipe, Sewer Pipe Repair, On Call Plumbing

Need Help Fixing a Sewer Line?

Remember, the best thing you can do when faced with a sewer line break is to contact a local plumbing specialist to help you fix the pipe to stop further damages. If you are located in Santa Clarita, CA then your best team to call would be On Call Plumbing. We can help you take control back of your life and your sewer line with expert repairs and cleaning. Give us a call at 661-201-6016 for a consultation.

Wintertime Thermostat Control for the Best Value

A Digital Thermostat Mounted on the Wall

A Digital Thermostat Offers Modern Style and Simplified Adjustment. Which Model Works for You?

How many times have you heard about getting a new digital thermostat, when you ask your HVAC professional how to save money on heating and cooling? There’s a reason why you hear about them so often. It’s not a catch all solution for dealing with all your HVAC problems, but there’s great opportunity to save big on your wintertime energy costs!

Today, we’ll be talking about thermostat functionality, breaking down bad thermostats, and explaining how to manage your own home thermostat. By the end, you should have a stronger understanding of your thermostat’s energy usage, and know what to look for in a new model. Let’s get started!

How Does a Thermostat Work?

Picture a switch in your mind. As the temperature rises or falls to a certain degree, the switch flips on, activating either the air conditioning or heating system. Once sensor detects the room has reached the desired temperature, the switch flips off.

There are many brands, models, etc. that offer additional perks, but that is the basic function of a electronic thermostat. Now, that function can be interrupted by all sorts of hazards. Some can be corrected with minimal effort, while others are fatal for your home thermostat.

What are the Symptoms of a Bad Thermostat?

The most obvious sign of a malfunction is an HVAC system that won’t activate. Your thermostat’s wiring may be disconnected from the heating and cooling hardware. The temperature sensor may also be taking false readings, which can cause your your air conditioning to run non-stop or not at all. Constant cooling will quickly run up your utility bill, while the alternative will leave your home uncomfortably warm.

How Do I Test My Home Thermostat?

Start by making sure it’s actually responsive to input. Adjust the desired temperature until air conditioning kicks in. If the unit is unresponsive, don’t worry! The problem may just be degraded batteries. Try replacing them and seeing if your thermostat responds. If you still don’t have any response, it’s time to call your HVAC company.

What to Look For During Thermostat Inspection

  • Uneven heating and cooling throughout the house
  • Short cycling (frequently turning on and off)
  • No reaction to temperature changes
  • Power loss in the thermostat
  • Constantly running air conditioning or heater

Selecting a New Home Thermostat

Below are the standard choices available for homeowners these days. There’s a wide variation in price based on features and installation costs. There’s also a vast difference in energy efficiency.


Manual Thermostats

If you prefer pushing buttons to adjust your home temperature, a manual thermostat may be the simple choice. They’re remarkably cheap and easy to use. No nonsense! If you want to save on energy however, you’ll have to be faithful to adjust the controls when you leave home, return, and go to sleep.


Programmable Thermostats

What should you set your thermostat at in the winter? 68 degrees when you’re home. However, that may be a question you don’t even have to bother asking anymore. With manual thermostats, you have to consistently return to the wall to change the temperature. That’s a small task that has big consequences on your energy costs, but many homeowners forget to change the temperature to save money.

With programmable thermostats, you can schedule preferred temperatures at specific times. Going to be away from the house for most of the afternoon each Thursday? Program the home thermostat to lower the system usage during that time. Want to have your thermostat turn off the Trane heater while everyone sleeps? That’s also easy to do.

Of course, you also maintain the basic push and adjust capability.


Smart Thermostats

Smart models take programmable features and take them to the next level: learning and automatic adjustments. Nest Thermostats popularized this type of temperature control, and it continues to be a big player in the residential market. There are other suitable brands available too.

Smart thermostats analyze your usage patterns and automatically adjust the temperature to your preferred settings. They can also make changes based on your away time during the day, to maximize energy savings. Certain manufacturers also provide Wifi enabled systems, such as smart phone compatibility that allows you to change your home’s temperature while you’re away.

If you’re looking for a new thermostat with minimal interaction requirements, smart models are definitely worth consideration.

One Last Note

Turning the Knob on a Smart Thermostat

Programmable and Smart Thermostats Still Include Manual Adjustment For Simple Temperature Changes.

While programmable and smart thermostats certainly offer energy savings, usage habits still matter. Of course, that’s true for your high-efficiency washer/dryer, a brand new AC unit, or even your tankless water heater installation in Santa Clarita. Conscientious, planned usage of your new thermostat will ensure that you get the most value out of your investment.

Schedule Your Plumbing Inspection Today!

Is your home overdue for a professional plumbing inspection? Our team at On Call Plumbing would love to examine your home and provide general maintenance to extend the life of your water appliances! Give us a call today at 661-201-6016. We provide service for Santa Clarita, CA and other nearby communities.

Keeping Your Pipes Safe From the Cold

Pipe With Water Coming Out

Once a Pipe Bursts, You Will Need To Have It Repaired Right Away.

Keeping the pipes in your home working properly all year round is something that is very important to do in order to maintain your home. It is especially important to do this in the winter when the weather begins to drop into the below freezing zone. The reason for this is because when the temperatures go into the freezing zone, this is when pipes can begin to freeze and even burst if you are not careful. Frozen water pipes are extremely frustrating because they will need to be defrosted as fast as possible. One of the first things that you can do if you realize that you have frozen water pipes is to call a water and sewer line repair company right away. This will get you a pipe repair service and it will also allow you to find out what you can do to avoid frozen pipes in the future. With so many problems to worry about in the winter, frozen pipes is a pretty big one to keep in your mind once winter rolls around. The best thing that you can do is to know the signs of frozen water pipes and also what to do if it happens to you. This will allow you to be prepared if it does happen to you or to fix the problem right away so that you don’t end up with a burst pipe.

Burst Pipe Repair

A burst pipe is something you will want to avoid as much as possible. When water freezes within your pipes, it expands into ice and will push the outer walls of the pipe until it has nowhere to go but out. A burst pipe will not only cause a bunch of problems, but it can be very expensive to have repaired as well. Depending on where the burst pipe is located, it can be difficult to get to and will take a lot of time. In order to avoid digging into your yard and making a huge mess, we offer a service called trenchless pipe repair. What is trenchless pipe repair you might be wondering? Trenchless pipe repair is when we dig under the ground instead of giant trenches to get into your piping system. We use cameras and special tools to be able to see where the problem is located and get it repaired.

Is a burst water pipe covered by insurance?

Every insurance company will have different requirements and protocol when it comes to putting in a claim and approving it. Most of the time, your homeowner’s insurance will cover a frozen or burst water pipe. If this happens to you, you should first call a plumber, and when you get some quotes, you can contact your insurance company and see if this kind of problem will be covered. If you have a broken water pipe, it is important that you get it fixed right away though and don’t wait on it unless you plan on turning off your water system until the insurance claim goes through. It can cause much more damage than good if you wait to have this kind of repair done.

How Frozen Pipes Burst

A pipe will freeze at freezing temperatures below 32 degrees. This is when you will want to pay attention and make sure you know the proper ways to avoid frozen water pipes. When the temperature gets cold enough, water can freeze inside the pipes and once the water expands into ice, it will push on the walls of the pipes and either crack in or burst it right open. You will then probably want to know, what do you do if a pipe bursts?, You will need to turn off the water to your house right away. The next step would be to call a plumber out and get them to your home as soon as possible. This would be considered a plumbing emergency so they should come out pretty quickly.

What To Do When Pipes Freeze

Burst Pipe

Avoid Frozen And Burst Pipes By Letting Warm Water Drip From Your Sink.

When your pipes freeze it can be a little overwhelming because you don’t have much time before you could potentially have a burst pipe in your hands. The best thing to do to avoid this problem is to keep your warm water dripping out of your sink when you know temperatures outside are freezing. This is also a great way to keep your pipes from freezing if you don’t know how to thaw frozen pipes underground. You also want to make sure that your heater is working and ready to go for the winter. Whether you have an American Standard heater or a wall unit, turn it on in the freezing temperatures to keep your house warm and your pipes from freezing. Here is what to do when your pipes have become frozen.

  • Crank your heat up inside
  • Open up your cupboards
  • Do not open your garage door
  • Grab a blowdryer and hold it up to the pipe, turned on
  • Turn your water off
  • Call a plumber right away

If you have frozen or burst pipes in Santa Clarita, CA, give On Call Plumbing a call and we will be able to help you right away when you call 661-201-6016.

What is a Backflow Prevention Valve?

dirty water comes out of a sink due to backflow

A Backflow Prevention Valve Keeps Sewer and Water Lines From Crossing

Commercial buildings and industrial roofing often deal with high heat and chemicals, so if these toxins get in your water supply, it can make employees sick. One way to prevent cross contamination from happening is by getting a backflow prevention valve installed in your Santa Claria, CA building. A backflow prevention valve helps to keep the main water line and sewer lines separated so they do not mix together. Fertilizers, chlorine, human waste, and more pollutants can enter your water stream in a process called backflow. Backflow is when contaminated water flows into a building instead of out of it. If you think you have backflow problems in your building but are unsure, you can call a plumber to perform backflow testing. For backflow prevention valve installation in Santa Clarita, CA, call On Call Plumbing at 661-201-6016 today.

How To Tell If You Need Backflow Testing

  • The most obvious sign of backflow is if you notice discolored water. This is because your main water line has either become crossed with the sewer line or there is a leak in the water line that is allowing outside contaminants in. if you are in a commercial or industrial building that uses chemicals, this is dangerous as toxins can enter the water supply.
  • Multiple clogged drains will occur if sewage is being pushed up the water line. Another indicator of backflow is if your clogged drains start bubbling when water tries to pass through.
  • If you are having low water pressure, a phenomenon called siphoning can happen where the water pressure drops suddenly to create a vacuum, eventually spurting everything back up.

The Necessity of Plumbing for Your Home

Residential Plumbing

Residential Plumbing Is Important for a Various Reasons.

Just as a residential roofing company in California is important to your roof, so is a residential plumber for your plumbing systems. We depend every single day on our residential plumbing to clean, cook, and bathe. Without plumbing, it would be hard to do everyday tasks. While this is extremely important, there are other reasons why plumbing for your residential property is such a necessity.

Why Residential Plumbing is So Important

  • Easy Access To Water: All you have to do is turn on the sink and you get clean and safe water to drink.
  • It Makes More Sanitary: Because we have easier access to water, we don’t have to keep using the same water over and over again when we clean, cook, and bathe.
  • You Can Do Multiple Things: With modern plumbing, you can run the dishwasher, throw clothes in the washing machine, and take a shower all at the same time.
  • Save More Money: With plumbing that actually works effectively, you can be saving money on water bills.
  • Cleaner, Safe Water: Plumbing gives us the ability to have access to water that is clean and safe to drink, which wouldn’t be possible if we had modern plumbing.

If you are wanting residential plumbing for your Santa Clarita, CA home, call the professional plumbers at On Call Plumbing. We are able to install systems such as Bradford White water heaters or provide drain cleaning service. Whatever you need for your home’s plumbing, we are the plumbing contractors you can depend on. Give us a call at 661-201-6016 in order to schedule an appointment.

5 Benefits of a Tankless Water Heater Installation

Are you interested in investing in a new water heater for your home? One of the most popular water heaters on the market is a tankless water heater and with good reason. A tankless water heater installation has so many benefits that you and your family will love! Find out about the five benefits of a tankless water heater installation for your home.

They Save Energy

5 Benefits of a Tankless Water Heater Installation

Find Out the Benefits of a Tankless Water Heater Installation!

Traditional water heaters take a lot of time to heat up, which can waste a lot of energy. With a tankless water heater, they use 30 to 50 percent less energy than water heaters that have tanks.

Tankless Is More Eco-Friendly

Because a tankless water heater is able to save more energy, they are a more eco-friendly water heater option for homeowners who are looking to reduce their carbon footprint.

They Are More Long-Lasting

Unlike traditional water heaters that usually only last an upwards of 10 years, a tankless water heater can last up to 20 years with the proper maintenance!

Tankless Water Heaters Save Space

Typical water heaters are usually large and bulky, taking up a lot of space. A tankless water heater can be installed in a variety of places due to its size.

Gives You Hot Water On Demand

One of the biggest benefits that everyone will enjoy is that a tankless water heater gives you hot water whenever you want it. Instead of having stored water in a tank, it heats up water when you need it.

If you want to install a tankless water heater in your Santa Clarita, CA home, call On Call Plumbing today at 661-201-6016!

Repiping Your Home

Unfortunately, nothing lasts forever and that includes the piping in your home. Over many years of wear and tear, your home’s piping will get worn out just like with anything that is used daily. The key is to know how long it has been since things like sewer lines and piping systems were first put in so that you will know if it is even remotely time to think about getting them repiped. You should also know what kind of pipes were used under your home because that will make a difference in how long they last as well. If you live in a new home this is probably not something you will have to deal with, but if you have moved into an older home that has been around since the 20’s or 30’s, you will need to pay attention and ask questions about the last time the piping system was replaced. If you don’t ask questions, no one will tell you and then you will be the one that it stuck with a $10-20 thousand dollar bill to get it repiped.

Time Limits On Your Pipes

Drain Lines are commonly made of cast iron or PVC. It will make a big difference in what is used on your home because cast iron drain lines can and will last between 80-100 years, where PVC drain lines will last between 25-40 years.

Supply Lines are what your water flows through constantly. These lines are made of brass, copper, and galvanized steel. All lasting around 70-100 years.

If you have questions or need your home repiped, call On Call Plumbing at 661-201-6016 and let us help you.

Why Choose Trenchless Plumbing Repair?

Trenchless Plumbing Repair

Trenchless Plumbing Repair Is a Great Choice for Your Sewer Line Repair Needs.

Sewer line damage is a hazardous situation for you and your family. When your sewer line is damaged it can harm your landscape while allowing sewage to pool in your yard and pipes. When this happens you need immediate service for your needs. One of the best ways to get your system back to its best is to have trenchless piper repair. This service offers you and your loved ones quality repair and restores your plumbing. But what advantages does it really bring as a service choice?

The Advantages of Trenchless Repair

Plumbing Repair Without The Property Damage

Your sewer line travels away from your home, under the ground, carrying sewage. When this breaks, it can damage your landscape. With traditional plumbing methods, this damage is compounded as plumbers would have to dig a literal trench into your yard to find the damaged pipe and replace it. However, with trenchless plumbing repair, your yard stays intact as the technology allows us to find the issue and cure a new pipe in the place of the old one, restoring function to your home. And because there is no digging up, there is very little clean up needed!

Affordable, Fast Service

Because of the intensive labor needed for traditional pipe repair, it can be a costly and lengthy experience. However, trenchless cuts down on both of these. There is very little labor needed as trenchless means we will not need to dig to find your pipe. The actual repair is very quick, as we can place and fit a new pipe within minutes to have your plumbing back to its best. In the long run, you save money, time, and your home from a plumbing crisis.

Lasting Repairs

You may think that because this service is so fast and convenient that it may be of low quality. On the contrary, trenchless plumbing repair uses polyethylene pipes that can cure in place. These are much sturdier than some of the older materials, which means you can anticipate years of service from your sewer line and home plumbing. On top of that, these pipes function better because they are seamless, meaning there are fewer areas where invasive roots and damage could occur!

On Call Plumbing is your source for quality plumbing services in Santa Clarita, CA. Call us at 661-201-6016 today for your trenchless plumbing repair needs!

What Causes Clogged Drains?

We’ve all experienced that nasty moment of when your shower turns into a bath because the water won’t drain. It is because the drain is clogged. But not all drains are in showers and not all clogs are from hair. So what causes clogged drains?

Grease buildup

Things like grease, cooking oil, sediment, shampoo, and soap can, over time, create a film inside pipes, making it harder for water to pass through. Clog removal options like drain cleaning, snaking, or hydro jetting can help to remove all that buildup and make pipes seem like new again.

Our Plumbers Can Help You With Your Clogged Drain Problems


Daily grooming, shaving, or showering is going to result in a loss of hair. If you do it over the sink or in the shower, the hair goes down the drain, eventually accumulating too much that water cannot pass through. It is usually very easy to remove by yourself, but if hair has formed a clog further down the pipes, a plumber is needed to fish it out.

Food remains

Can’t remember which foods are supposed to be thrown away and which can go down the garbage disposal? A lot of other people can’t either, resulting in clogs and backup in kitchen sinks.

Insoluble products

Diapers, feminine hygiene products, paper towels, QTips, and floss are commonly flushed down the toilet or sink when they should be thrown away in the trash. Even products that you think can be flushed like quilted toilet paper or wet wipes cannot be dissolved and clog the toilet. Read instructions on these products’ packets carefully to see what can and cannot be flushed in the toilet.

If you need clogged drain removal services in Santa Clarita, CA, contact On Call Plumbing at 661-201-6016.